How to Get the Most Out of Your Telemedicine Therapy Sessions

Millions of Americans deal with the crippling effects of anxiety and depression. Many people with these mental health issues seek out the help of psychologists. With the help of a mental health professional, you can figure out how to cope with your anxiety and depression. Many of the psychologists in America are having to provide sessions via online chats due to the coronavirus.

During the age of COVID-19, dealing with anxiety and depression is becoming increasingly difficult. Being alone with your thoughts all day and night can be hard. If you are currently engaging in telemedicine therapy (teletherapy) sessions, here are some of the things you can do to get the most out of these sessions.

Taking Notes is a Must

During the course of a teletherapy session, a lot of different information will be exchanged. Rather than letting this information get lost in the shuffle, you need to focus on taking a few notes. Having a notebook near your computer will make taking these notes much easier. The notes you take will need to coincide with the problems you are currently trying to work through. For instance, if you are struggling with anxiety, you need to take notes about how to deal with this problem.

Your therapist should have no problem helping you develop a customized strategy regarding how to be less anxious throughout the course of your day. By taking the time to adequately prepare for your teletherapy sessions, you will have no problem taking detailed notes you can look over later.

Figure Out What You Want to Address Before the Session Begins

Going into a teletherapy session without an idea of what you want to cover can be disastrous. If you and your therapist are jumping from subject to subject during this session, you may feel like you didn’t retain any meaningful information. The subjects you cover with your therapist on the video call will need to be related to mental health issues you are currently dealing with. If you feel yourself becoming more depressed with each passing day, talking with your therapist about this is important.

Having a pre-determined list of topics you want to cover will be beneficial for both you and your therapist. Your therapist will appreciate your organization. Staying organized throughout your time in quarantine will allow you to get the most information out of your teletherapy sessions.

Make Yourself Some Homework Assignments

As you start to review the notes from your teletherapy sessions, make a few assignments for yourself. Finding ways to fill the hours of the day while in quarantine can be difficult. With these assignments, you can keep your mind occupied while doing something beneficial for your mental health. Consulting with your therapist is a great way to figure out what type of homework you need to be doing.

Let Our Mental Health Professionals Help You! 

If you are looking for help with your mental health problems, the team at Transcendence Behavioral Health is here to assist you. 

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